Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Secrets of the Pet Food Industry

  The pet food industry in the United States is the only industry legally allowed to lie to consumers, and the only food industry allowed to violate Federal food safety laws. Food recalls not only happen to food that we eat, but also to our family dogs and cats that we love so much. This major pet food recall had occurred in 2007. 
U.S. Magistrate Judge John T. Maughmer sentenced Sally Qing Miller and husband Stephen Miller, owners of ChemNutra, Inc., to pay a $25,000 fine and three years probation. ChemNutra Inc. was at fault for importing melamine tainted vegetable protein ingredients. These ingredients were put into the pet food and was responsible for the thousands of illnesses and deaths in dogs and cats. ChemNutra pleaded guilty but was fined $25,000 because of knowingly importing contaminated poisonous vegetable proteins and the manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline, will pay $150 million in criminal fines to settle allegations it knowingly sold the contaminated ingredients. 
  Menu foods who is another pet food manufacturer responsible for hundreds of recalls and thousands of deaths in pets in 2007. They settled for $24 million dollars for pets who consumed melamine tainted pet foods. A human drug company was fined $600 million in civil penalties and its product did not result in any illness or death. This controversy explains itself. We pay a lot of money for the well being of our pets and the pet food industry obviously does not care about the welfare of the animals that we treat like family members. This really needs to be changed. What more can the food industry lie to us about?

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